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AUCTION TEMPLATE Awning Canopy Design Green Yellow - FREE SHIPPING

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You will receive the HTML and images for the design below which are acceptable to ebay's new security standards with https addresses on all the images. All you'll have left to do is replace the title, fill in your description, add images of your product (optional), and list shipping costs at the bottom. I will email you the HTML for this design to the address provided by paypal unless you instruct me to send it elsewhere. I'll provide the names of several websites that allow image hosting for free, examples: Post Images and Image Box. You're free to use this design below anywhere you please. But please don't resell it. I will provide instructions on where to type in your description. We can converse over the phone if you like for this process. You can use Wordpad or Notepad to create your listing and then go to a site like Practiceboard to view your listing before heading to ebay or posting here. Or you could download an HTML Editor like the one I use which is free and preview your listing as you make edits. This saves a lot of time.
Your images can be any size you want. This is a sample one seen below. And you can add as many as you like for free. Images can have any color frame around them. Or no color. So too can the shipping table colors change and the font color in the title, description, and shipping instruction table. I'll help you with that. If you don't know HTML or it's been awhile here is a sample of the text in this template below:
Sample HTML Text
Each item is in a separate paragraph. The top one is for the Description label. Next paragraph is inside a table and describes your product. Here is where you'll substitute your text for mine. You can adjust the font size and space between lines. Justify creates even margins on each side of your text. You can change that to left, right, or center. The margin is set at a width of 95% of the width between the left and right borders. You can change that. You can also adjust the margins individually top, left, right, and bottom. The paragraph is now set to indent 22 pixels on the first line. This can be increased or decreased. The Payment label is the bottom item.
For this border design I'm asking $2.49 for my time to have created it and the assistance I'll be providing you in getting it converted to your liking for listing. No shipping costs since we'll use email. Ebay and Paypal will take 23% of that in fees leaving me just $1.88.
Template Design © BetterBuys7 - Unauthorized Duplication Is Prohibited.
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