PayPal [Visa/MasterCard, Amex, Discover]
Credit Cards processed by PayPal
We ship ONLY to your authorized Paypal confirmed mailing address. We do not ship to AFO/APO or PO Box addresses or Alaska and Hawaii, Puerto Rico or any other U.S. territory. I ship to the lower 48 states only.
As soon as the item is paid for the order will be processed to ship. I will send you a tracking no. as soon as I receive one. I only ship Monday - Friday. Thank You for your patience.
We only accept payments through Paypal.
We ship ONLY ship to your authorized Paypal confirmed mailing address. We do not ship to AFO/APO or PO Box addresses or Alaska and Hawaii, Puerto Rico or any other U.S. territory. I ship to the lower 48 states only.
We reserve the right to cancel any order for any reason at any time. Some times our items run out before we catch the inventory amount. We will quickly return your money back to you.
Items are shipped from the U.S. by multiple suppliers. Then the process of getting item from warehouse and preparing it to ship. Please allow 2- 9 business days for Standard Shipping. As soon as the item gets shipped I will send you a tracking no.
Return Policy:
We offer a 7 Day Return Policy. Before money can be refunded. I will need you to contact me to let me know if it is the wrong item or damaged. I require a picture to confirm the damage. Anytime a item is returned I will need all contents of package including the packing slip. Make a copy for yourself but send me the orginal. My address is (Marcia Spear, 1424 Tuffnell Drive, La Vergne, TN 37086. Buyer is responsible for return shipping cost. Thank You!
Welcome to Marcia's Gifts and Things. We sell garage sell and estate auction items. Also in this store we carry new items also. We do our best to describe the items to the best of our ability. I do not know if the families own animals or smoke.. Don't lose your favorite item Buy It Now