A chilling saga of a viral apocalypse, "The Stand" Special Edition DVD is a thriller miniseries based on a novel by master storyteller Stephen King. After most the world’s population is destroyed by a viral infection, a handful of survivors are plagued by hallucinations luring them to choose their own destinies in "The Stand" two-disc set. The survivors are either visited by a vision of Mother Abagail, who is trying to build a new community, or a demonic man called Randall Flagg, who entices them to commit sin. Comprising spine-chilling one-hour episodes that last for a total of six hours and six minutes, this thriller two-disc set is definitely not for the faint-hearted. What’s more, bookworms will not be disappointed with "The Stand", as the screenplay has been written by Stephen King himself, who does complete justice to the novel.
- UPC 017153127195
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